Retro Planner Stickers In My Etsy Shop


Let’s take a step back to the simpler times.  These retro stickers are a lot of fun.  I use them mostly in my Happy Planner.  But you can use these in any planner you have.  I had originally created these pages as digital downloads but after much soul searching I changed my mind.  I just couldn’t justify charging $3 for a digital download of the same image on the page.  I did a lot of arguing with myself over this decision.  But finally came to the thought that I would much rather order these as actual stickers.  So I changed my shop and all the stickers I offer are already done.  They are kiss cut and ready to use.

Let’s take a look at what’s available in my shop under these Retro stickers.  There are ten (10) images available in various amounts per page.  The images available are:

I use these as shown above in order from left to right and then down and left and right:

  1. Clean House
  2. Doctor Appointment
  3. Hair Appointment
  4. Laundry
  5. Mani/Pedi
  6. Pamper Night
  7. Pay Bills
  8. Payday
  9. Phone Call
  10. Remember

So, check out my Etsy shop by clicking the Etsy tab above.  I left these in black and white because 1) I love the retro look of them and 2) you can color them.

Happy Planning!

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