Posts Tagged ‘planner’

Creative Outlet or Functional Planner

Creative Outlet or Functional Planner

I’ve thought about this from time to time.  When perusing Instagram I really enjoy seeing how everyone uses their planners.  Some like to festoon the pages with a lot of stickers.  Some are more frugal with them and use the space for planning.  I’m one of the later.  I need to use as much space as I can to plan out my week.  I do use some stickers, but I don’t go crazy with them.  For me, my Happy Planner is for functional use.  I plan many things during my week from tasks that need to get done to appointments.

I like having my tasks and appointments on my planner because, well, my memory isn’t what it used to be.  I admit I also use my google calendar a lot – a lot!  It along with my paper planner is what keeps me organized.  I’ve noticed since combining the two I seem to get more done. I’m getting to check off more items from my to-do lists.

But I will always love my Happy Planner.  It does give me a creative outlet and I like being able to look back and see what I’ve done.

If you’re on the creative outlet side, I admire you.  I’m very impressed with some that I see on Instagram.  But it just doesn’t work for me.

So, all this being said, go with what works for you.  Regardless of what planner you use, don’t let it sit idle.  Getting organized is difficult.  At least it is for me.  But using a planner makes it easier.  And you feel so good when you can check off that item on your list.

Happy Planning!

Journals You Can Use Any Way You Want

I recently wandered around Walmart and made a discovery.  I was looking for a journal or book I could use for various reasons.  I wanted to journal, memory keep or use it as a diary.  I got excited when I found these really cute books at Walmart.  Take a look at the video and see what I found.

Hope you enjoy the video.  Just click on the link: to go to YouTube and watch.  Thanks.

Retro Planner Stickers In My Etsy Shop


Let’s take a step back to the simpler times.  These retro stickers are a lot of fun.  I use them mostly in my Happy Planner.  But you can use these in any planner you have.  I had originally created these pages as digital downloads but after much soul searching I changed my mind.  I just couldn’t justify charging $3 for a digital download of the same image on the page.  I did a lot of arguing with myself over this decision.  But finally came to the thought that I would much rather order these as actual stickers.  So I changed my shop and all the stickers I offer are already done.  They are kiss cut and ready to use.

Let’s take a look at what’s available in my shop under these Retro stickers.  There are ten (10) images available in various amounts per page.  The images available are:

I use these as shown above in order from left to right and then down and left and right:

  1. Clean House
  2. Doctor Appointment
  3. Hair Appointment
  4. Laundry
  5. Mani/Pedi
  6. Pamper Night
  7. Pay Bills
  8. Payday
  9. Phone Call
  10. Remember

So, check out my Etsy shop by clicking the Etsy tab above.  I left these in black and white because 1) I love the retro look of them and 2) you can color them.

Happy Planning!

Am I Addicted To Planners?


Oh where do I start?  I’ve been using a planner for decades.  But only recently have I somehow managed to acquire not just one, not just two, but three planners to keep me organized.  How did I get to this point?  I’m sure most of you can relate.

I bought my first Happy Planner about three years ago.  Before that I had only used pen and paper.  But after watching many, many videos on YouTube of people showing their Happy Planners, I wanted one.  So off I went to Michaels and bought my first planner.  It was great.  I especially loved decorating it.  But I was still a newbie.  I’m still having to learn things.  But I’m enjoying the journey.

After about a year of using the Happy Planner I discovered the Day Designer.  I like the symmetry of it and the full page set up.  But it was more difficult to decorate and I am a sticker junkie.  But it allows me to create more detail lists of the things I need to do.

Then came my latest acquisition, the Recollections Hourly Planner.  I bought this one because a) it had the correct hourly setup for me 7AM to 10PM and b) it was on sale.

So now to plan my hour, week, day and month I have three planners spread out on my desk.  Am I a planner addict?  You betcha.  It’s my happy place and I’m not giving it up.

So my dears, if you are in the same place as I am, embrace it and…

Keep On Planning!