Selling on Etsy Vs Selling on Website

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After months of working on building my own website I came to the point of having to decide where I was going to sell my products. I first attempted to get them on my website by using Woocommerce but this turned out to be quite a struggle. For some reason my website, which I established using WordPress would not communicate with Woocommerce. So my next step was to try and find a way to get a connection from my website to ETSY and have it open in a new window. This took a lot of research. Finally I found a plug in that would do just that. So now you can go to my website and click on a menu item titled Etsy Shop and go directly to my store.

After a lot of thinking and deliberation I finally decided to leave it that way. I thought a lot about the traffic I was getting on Etsy versus the traffic I would be getting on my new website. Since I have just established my website I have no subscribers. So the deliberation is saving money by putting products on my own website versus paying that fee to list them on Etsy. So for the time being it’s a much better choice to leave them on Etsy. But this might not necessarily be the right choice for you. So let’s talk about it.

When you sell items or products on Etsy you do have to pay a fee. But in comparison you don’t have to maintain it is strongly as you do on your own website and you have a built in large viewership. Personally I like that fact. In only two months I have already gotten over 1000 views on my shop. That includes views and likes and a few sales. I’m still working on being better at promoting my products and getting the word out there. It can be a tough sell when you’re one among hundreds.

When you sell your products on your own website there are definite advantages. You don’t have to pay fees, you have more freedom as to how they are presented and of course, you have more control over it. But again this depends on just how large your viewership is. Are there enough people going to your website to warrant keeping your products on sale just there. So let’s go into that further.

When you sell through Etsy you are charged $.20 for each item plus a 3.5% each time an item sells. That $.20 is per product listed. So you do have the advantage in that that charge generally occurs only once when a product is listed. So unless it is a unique item that will need to be relisted each time, it’s not that bad of a charge. And that charge is for a four month period.

When you list an item on your website there is an obvious advantage. Now I’ve talked about these before. But the greatest is probably that you have control over how it looks and how it’s listed. But you also have to maintain it. Now you can listed and let it set, but your sells will be small, if any.

So there are three things that you need to take into consideration when deciding where you’re going to sell your products.

Number one – How large is your viewership?

Number two – Can you maintain and keep up your product listings effectively?

Number three – How motivated are you to sell?

Now I can go thoroughly into each of these questions but I don’t want this blog to be four pages long. So I suggest you go and check out my video on YouTube under The Creative Owl and watch Periscope number two. That video gets more thoroughly into these three questions as well as other ideas and tips for selling your products either through Etsy or own your website.

As for me at this time it’s a much better choice to leave them being sold through at Etsy. I have a much larger viewership there and a much greater chance of selling my products. This might not necessarily be the best choice for you. Just consider these three questions and hopefully it will help you make that decision. But for me it boils down to question number one. Hopefully in the future I will establish a much larger viewership. Then I can move my products to my website and avoid those fees. However I think it’s still a good idea to keep items listed on Etsy. That way you can go into your About Me page and enter your website. That way those people that are viewing your products on Etsy can be sent over to your website and find the rest of your products there. Just saying.

I hope this helps. It can be a tough decision deciding just where and how to sell your products. And even then it’s quite a job to effectively do so. But I wish you the best of luck and a harvest of sales to successfully market your products.

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