Posts Tagged ‘youtube’

Created For You (And Me) – A Post Planner Worksheet

I work with so many different social platforms that sometimes I get a little confused. So to help me out and make the process easier, I created this Post Planner Worksheet. It’s really easy to use and I find it helpful. So I’ll go over a few points just to clarify how I use it. The Concern is what I’m posting about. I just write out a description. Main platform is where I’m posting first. For example, if I’m doing a YouTube video I will just write that as my Main Platform. Subject Broad can mean the general interest that I’m posting about. For example, if I’m doing a YouTube video on my planner, that’s what I write in there. Subject Defined, I go into a little more detail. Then I just outline some of the things I want to put into my video. The Bullet Points are usually the things I want to stress in my post. I know this all sounds a little simple, but it helps me a lot. Especially if I’m filming.

The rest is pretty straight forward. After I do my main post I follow up with the rest of social media. You can easily download it from either of these links.

The first is the pdf:  postplannerworksheet

This is an excel file if you want to fill it out that way:  postplannerworksheet

Hope you find this helpful.